Hywel Williams and Turbo Bambi sit down for a chat for Revelstoke Snowboard Club.
Original interview here
It’s hard for me to put into words what strikes me about Bambi and why I had to do this interview after spending some time with her the last couple of winters. I guess it’s because you can’t ignore her passion for all things around the lifestyle/ skate, snow, surf culture. Her artwork, her snowboarding, her active involvement to make a welcoming space for women to skate and snowboard is why we are all lucky to have her as part of the community.
-Hywel Williams
Rapid Fire Questions
How many years have you been snowboarding? since ’94, so… 28 years & a couple of wrinkles.
First Board? K2 Juju and stiff like a 2×4.
How much of that time has been in Revelstoke? I’ve been in Revy for 5 years. I moved to here in 2017 after spending 10 years in Whistler. Came for the pow and stayed for the people.
Favourite Snowboard Movie? True Life – Mack Dawg Production in 2002 marked my youth.
Favourite snowboarder: Torstein, king of style & clean tricks.
Toeside or heelside? I wish I could say toeside, but heelside. Maybe one day.
In a nutshell, give us the low down on your shred history?
Growing up in the sub-arctic climate of Quebec, I started skiing (on ice) around 4 y/o but was never really a fan. I would beg my parents to leave me in the lodge while they went skiing but that was not an option. At 11, I officially quit skiing. That year, my sister and my dad got into snowboarding. When they came back after their first day of riding, my older sister told me I HAD to try. And of course, being the youngest and looking up to my sister and my dad, I gave it a try. I was instantly hooked! Which, looking back, seems strange, because I doubt I even made a turn on the first day. But the lifestyle surrounding the sport is what I related to the most.
Then I became the stereotypical French-Canadian jibber, because at my local mountain, Stoneham, pow is not as easy to find, especially if you’re a student and ride mostly at night. While in high school, I took a trip to the West Coast with my family and the second we got to Whistler, I knew in my bones I would live there later in life. Once I graduated Uni, I packed my car, drove to Whis and rode park for about 10 years. I started dipping my toes in the backcountry, bigger lines and deeper pow when I lived on the Coast but fully immersed myself into it when I moved to Revy in 2017. Since then, my favourite thing is to use those park skills in the backcountry, find tasty-looking lines, build jumps and throw some WOO’s around all day!
I gotta say though… with all the snow we have in the valley right now, I got an itch to hit some street features.
“I hit it, didn’t die, and was hooked for the rest of the winter.”
Fam Trip to BC + AB, 1997
Rider: Bambi
Rider: Bambi | Photo: Hywel Williams | Artwork: Turbo Bambi
You painted a Rail in the park this year, looks so rad. How did that come about?
Thank you! I’m so grateful to be able to collab with my local mountain for this project! The idea to paint the rail came when Simon, head of the park, complimented my latest mural displayed downtown. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s a 15’x20′ interactive mural called “I hugged a Bear in Revelstoke” in the back alley by City Furniture. You can’t miss it with those bright colours and intriguing characters.
Following Simon’s comment, I mentioned my interest to do something similar for RMR’s terrain park. Couple of weeks later, he had the perfect rail for me to paint, which also happens to be my favorite rail to ride. The feedback has been phenomenal and it’s given me motivation to steer more of my work in that direction. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to paint more rails for next year!
By the way, thank you for shooting it with me! Those photos and clips are amazing!
Personally, I love to see all these public art pieces like the rail, Art Alleries etc. Do you enjoy these and what effect do you think it has on people and the community?
I absolutely love creating public art because they’re usually bigger pieces and displayed outside, which adds a certain element of surprise. As an artist, people would expect to see my work at an art gallery or a cafe, but to stumble upon my art in a back alley or the terrain park, is not as predictable.
My goal with these pieces is to spark curiosity, make people smile, and create a memorable moment when they interact with it. I love meeting people but I also spend a lot of time creating in my studio, so having some pieces out there feels like an extension of myself where I can connect with people without being there in person. A lot of times, people will send me photos of them with my art, and that’s always a great conversation starter.
“I hugged a Bear in Revelstoke” Mural by Turbo Bambi, Revelstoke BC
Girls Ride Day @ RMR
It was really cool to see you in “Whaddaday!” and working with us (Revelstoke Snowboard Club) to put on the girl’s ride days and your involvement in Louise on Wheels. Could you chat to me a bit more about this and your thoughts on women’s snowboarding right now?
The girls ride day was awesome! Bringing the initiative of the Snowboard Club with the L.O.W. skater posse was a recipe for success! I noticed that some girls who are new to town, took this opportunity to meet people which I think is key in a resort town. I remember my first few months in Whistler, I didn’t ride as much as I’d hope because I didn’t have many friends to shred with. If those ride days can help people connect and ride together, I’m all for it.
Whaddaday - A Snowboard Movie
Funny how you bring up “Whaddaday!” and my thoughts on women in snowboarding becauuuuse… When we went out in the backcountry last winter, I wasn’t necessarily planning on filming or hitting the jumps… I was just happy to play in the snow. I was taking clips of the crew on our first jump and I got curious to try. The first jump I hit had a gap to clear and I was so nervous, my legs were shaking and I had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down. I hit it, didn’t die, and was hooked for the rest of the winter.
The boys were always talking about how they envisioned the movie, and I was stoked for them even though I never really pictured myself in it. Last summer at the skatepark, Dinomike asked me to come over and watch my part to see if I liked it. I was so surprised! I didn’t think he used my shots, let alone a full part. I was stoked they included me!
The best part was the turnout of our Premiere! Everyone got to get together before the winter, get fired up, and start making plans for the season! To me, this is what snowboarding is all about!
Good friends, good times, and a ton of adrenaline!!!
Women in snowboarding
Without even realizing, I was excluding myself from the guys’ project, probably because that’s what I’ve seen my whole life — most snowboard movies are 90% men. Then came the all women’s movies like Peep Show, Runaway Films and The Uninvited showcasing INSANE riders. It’s mind blowing what the level of women in snowboarding has become.
“the more you see someone like you do something, the more relatable and attainable it becomes. “If she can do it, I can do it!”
Whaddaday movie premiere - October 2021
I also really enjoy the documentary movies like Our Fabric by Robin Van Gyn featuring women in the snow/surf/skate community. I can appreciate the bangers just as much as the causes these ladies stand for, and their craft.
The fact that these ladies took the initiative to make their own snowboard movies, not only put the spotlight on how badass they are, but inspired a whole generation to keep pushing. I’m a firm believer that the more you see someone like you do something, the more relatable and attainable it becomes. “If she can do it, I can do it!”
Louise on Wheels
That’s exactly what happened when I started skateboarding with all the ladies from Louise on Wheels. We would all progress at our own pace, and when someone tried something new, it gave everyone the fire and the confidence to try it too.
Girls Skatenite - Every Tuesday in Revelstoke
Rider: Bambi Photo: Lauren Powers
Whos getting you hyped right now? Snowboarding and Art wise.
– Leanne Pelosi is an absolute sender and pioneer. Along with her ladies’ shred posse, she opened the doors for many women in snowboarding.
– Jessa Gilbert who lives from her art and snowboarding is big inspiration for me.
– The amazing work of Lucas Beaufort, especially on his snow/skate related projects.
– Jess Kimura’s energy, talent and style.
Amazing, thank you so much for taking the time and chatting with us.
To everyone reading you can not only find Bambi’s art work in the RMR park and the Alley ways of Revelstoke but at the following place online IG @turbobambi_design Most importantly support local artist by buying their rad creations!